Tuesday 27 January 2015

The Song of the Wise Oleg

Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге

Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге
Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге
Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге
Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге
Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге
Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге
Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге
Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге
Лосин, Песнь о вещем Олеге

A.S. Pushkin. The Song of the Wise Oleg.
ISBN 978-5-9268-1553-2; 2014.
illustrator V. Losin. 

Monday 26 January 2015

Alice in Wonderland

Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland

Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland
Mabel Lucie Attwell, Alice in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll. Alice in Wonderland.
Raphael Tuck & Sons, 1910.
Illustrator Mabel Lucie Attwell.

Saturday 24 January 2015